The Rundown on Hoarding Cleanup

haorder cleanup

Compulsive hoarding is defined as “a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them.”

In the United States, there are between 5 and 14 million people diagnosed as compulsive hoarders. That’s more than most realize; it’s about double the number of Americans diagnosed with OCD.

Though this number is high, it can also be a comfort for hoarders to know that they’re far from alone in their disorder, and there are plenty of resources available if you want to change your lifestyle.

Whether you or a family member qualify as a hoarder, this article is for you. We’ll discuss the ins and outs of hoarding cleanup, how long the process of cleanup is, and how much it costs.
Hoarding Cleanup
Hoarding is not centered around one specific item; hoarders can collect all kinds of things. The most commonly hoarded items are:

  • Papers
  • Books
  • Containers
  • Furniture
  • Garbage
  • Animals

There are a few reasons that one might search for a hoarding cleaning service. Maybe the hoarder themselves has passed away and the house needs to be cleared out. Or maybe the hoarder is ready to part with their items and begin a new section of their life.

Whatever the reason, when you’re ready to clean up a hoard, it’s time to call a hoarding cleanup service. These professionals, like us at Clean Keepers, will clean the hoard safely, efficiently, and hygienically. At worst, a hoard can be dangerous. At best, it’s challenging. Let professionals handle this (sometimes daunting) endeavor.

Our team of professionals knows the tricks of cleaning a hoard because we are specifically trained for such jobs. We understand that the process of cleaning top to bottom makes the job easier, and we are experts in the process of removing hazardous materials like mold and rodent droppings.

This is not a job for you or your loved ones; the act of choosing to part with a hoard is difficult enough. Let us do the heavy lifting.
How Long Will the Hoarding Cleanup Company Take?
There’s no set time for every hoard cleanup. The length of time differs for every home.

A longer cleanup might be due to:

  • A large home
  • Every room being full
  • The hoard is big and/or dangerous
  • Hazardous materials being present
  • Obstructions created by the homeowner

A faster cleanup usually includes:

  • A smaller space
  • A smaller hoard collection
  • A homeowner being absent from the job

How Much Does Hoarding Cleaning Cost?
Just like time spent on a hoarding cleaning job, the price is variable too. After our team of experts analyzes the circumstances of a hoard, they can better estimate the price.

The price of a hoard cleanup can go up depending on:

  • How long the job takes
  • The size of the property
  • How many staff members are needed
  • The severity of the hoard

Hoard Cleanup is a Job for Professionals
Even with a relatively easy hoard cleanup, the job will not be convenient or manageable for someone untrained. This is why you must call professionals, like our team at Clean Keepers, to get the job done correctly.

There’s no reason to take on the stress of completing the job yourself. Our professionals can transform your home back into the sanctuary it once was. Give Clean Keepers a call today for a free estimate.