Biohazard Chemicals Spills

Biohazard Chemicals Cleanup Service in Fort Myers

With so many biohazard chemicals present in the home as well as industrial plants and factories, chemical spills and hazards are much more likely to happen than ever before. Spills of acids, flammable liquids, toxic chemicals, and other hazardous chemicals can present real health hazards to workers and the local environment through contamination of the ground, air and water.

Toxic or hazardous chemical spills require special gear and equipment to clean up and dispose of properly so as not to further contaminate the environment or people. There are special guidelines involved in the disposal of these hazardous materials and requires professionals to do the job.

Biohazard Chemical Hazards include:

  • Toxic fumes and gases
  • Flammable Liquids
  • Microbiological culture materials
  • Blood and other human body fluids
  • Medical Waste
  • Pathological Biohazardous Waste
  • Infectious agents found in labratories

Clean Keepers is licensed, bonded and trained for biohazard removal cleaning service.

Contact us for more info